flash fiction friday – hide and die!!

“hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-seven, ninety-six, ninety-five, ninety-four, ninety-three, ninety-two, ninety-one, ninety, eighty-nine, eighty-eight, eighty-seven, eighty-six, eighty-five, eighty-four, eighty-three, eighty-two, eighty-one, eighty, seventy-nine, seventy-eight, seventy-seven, seventy-six, seventy-five, seventy-four, seventy-three, seventy-two, seventy-one, seventy, sixty-nine, sixty-eight, sixty-seven, sixty-six, sixty-five, sixty-four, sixty-three, sixty-two, sixty-one, sixty, fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven, fifty-six, fifty-five, fifty-four, fifty-three, fifty-two, fifty-one, fifty, forty-nine, forty-eight, forty-seven, forty-six, forty-five, forty-four, forty-three, forty-two, forty-one, forty, thirty-nine, thirty-eight, thirty-seven, thirty-six, thirty-five, thirty-four, thirty-three, thirty-two, thirty-one, thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven, twenty-six, twenty-five, twenty-four, twenty-three, twenty-two, twenty-one, twenty, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, oh bugger this, coming! ready or -“

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  1. When I arrived at school on the first day of fifth grade our English teacher asked us each to write a 500 word story telling what we did over summer vacation. My story went like this: When I got home from school on the first day of summer vacation I went out onto the back porch and called my cat. I said, “Here, kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty…..” and so on for another four hundred and eighty words or so. I thought my story was a very imaginative take on her instructions, just as I applaud your take on the photo prompt. (My teacher was not amused. I received a big red ‘F’ for that assignment.)

    You get at least an B+ from me.



    Bermuda Triangle Summer

    • i’m extremely happy with the b+ thank you very much, although feel very sorry for the teacher who didn’t find your kitty story funny; i wouldn’t’ve minded a jot had you recreated the whole thing in your comment….i enjoyed yours and when i’m back to work in four days i will definitely be roaming your blog

  2. Nice one! Nothing else to say really, is there? I think ‘B’.

    A Place to Die For (Friday Fictioneers, 13 April 2012)

    • oh there’s plenty; in the next round you count to two hundred, and so on; it’s been going on for years, i forget which round we’re on but i’ve emigrated and set up a blog, by my reckoning she should still be counting

      thanks for the b, all this grading is taking me back…..

  3. Heeehee, I enjoyed your story, and the title is brilliant! This isn’t just a game of hide and seek is it?!
    I’m over here: http://elmowrites.wordpress.com/2012/04/13/friday-fiction-the-tunnel/

    • hello over there, glad you enjoyed it, the title seemed to slot in quite nicely with the idea, and then the story did me the rare favour of essentially writing itself…

      as to the nature of the game……..maybe it’ll pick up again on friday

  4. Lora Mitchell

     /  14 April, 2012

    Very clever…a waste of time, but clever. If I were a teacher, I would not give you an F, you’d get a WTF? lol. Next week, I hope we get an actual100-word ‘story’ instead. Here’s mine:

    • i had a word with time, and he seemed to quite like the idea of being wasted….and if you were a teacher i wonder whether the headmaster would have something to say about your choice of grades; i of course would be most grateful

      i’ll see about next week; there are quite a lot of stories knocking about though

  5. What a cop out! WIsh I’d thought of that. Made me laugh big time!

    • i’m glad it made you laugh, and big time is my most favourite of all the times….that and drunk time (see above)

  6. Madison Woods

     /  20 April, 2012

    That was different. I’ve known people who wrote the same word over and over to fill space before, but that was just to see if anyone was paying attention. Turned out that many were not. Yours were each a different word, but it would be tempting to throw in something in the middle to see if anyone caught it, I think.

    • it’s an idea….i don’t know that the words are really important enough to warrant it though; i think putting a test in there would take away from its farcicalicity

      thank you for commenting though; do you do that for them all?!

      • Madison Woods

         /  20 April, 2012

        LOL, I’m still working on that – the list is getting so long now that it might be impossible to make it to everyone’s. And that saddens me, but there’s only so many days a week and I’ve only got one self which is severely limited in what it can get done with that time.

      • i can imagine…..and i’m aware this is wasting more of that time so please don’t reply!

  7. This was just witty and funny and sort of made me think, all at the same time.

    • it was my first submission to madison woods’ friday fiction part of her blog – the image prompt was the opening to a tunnel – i’ll post it at some point maybe – – and i just thought it was a funny idea; didn’t really expect any responses; obviously doug’s was my favourite 🙂


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